Intensive course

Intensive courses  are courses that go over fours days within a week (Monday-Thursday), at the same time each day. This is a different offer from our regular courses, and is intended to help the participants master the skills through continuous practice and repetition in a more intensive situation.
These offers are for both children, youth and adults.

Practical information:
Sogn bad
Weeks: 8, 26, 27, 32, 33, 40
Times: Between 16:00 and 19:00
Pool temperature: 27-28 degrees
Price: 825 kr per participant per course.
Participants per instructor: 4
Equipment: Swim cap, swim trunks/suit, goggles (only selunge and up)
Condition 1: Platforms will be used for children that are not tall enough to stand (90 cm, shallow end)
Condition 2: If there are few participants or empty courses, we will combine these. This means that participants might be given a different time. We will provide information a week in advance, should this be the case.


What level should you choose?

It is important to sign your child up for the level that conforms to their skills, as this provides the best development.

We recommend using our level selector, as this will help guide you to the correct level. If you are already signed up for one of our courses you can speak with the instructor and get a recommendation.

Påmelding intensivkurs

Når du melder på til intensivkurs er du/ditt barn påmeldt i den aktuelle kurstiden mandag-torsdag den aktuelle uken. Ved påmelding er det nettbetaling for intensivkurset, og plassen blir først bekreftet når betalingen er gjennomført.

Dersom du er påmeldt men senere ønsker å bytte tid eller nivå kan vi flytte barnet/deg til et annet kurs dersom det er ledige plasser. Ta kontakt på i så tilfelle.

Vi minner om at det er førstemann til mølla for påmelding til disse kursene.