Pre Trening og Utvikling


Oslo Idrettslag Svømming wishes to continue our development of skilled swimmers after course level, while keeping a sense of continuity from the courses to the competing groups. We did this by launching our new offer, called the Pre Trening og Utvikling (Pre Training and Development) – shortened to Pre T/U. Experience shows that some people need more time to achieve the skills needed to be able to start with organized training. Pre T/U will make sure that swimmers and parents get a little more time to decide which direction you want to go, while giving participants enough time to acquire these necessary skills. The goal of Pre T/U is to provide participants with the opportunity to master their own level, and create a more careful and natural transition into the training and development groups.

On this basis, there will now be two potential “paths” into our training and development groups.

1) Offer directly from the Courses

Participants on the Sjøløve, delfin and hai courses will quickly be given an offer to join the training and development groups, if the participant masters the given requirements for the intake – which is based on technique, potential, age and motivation. Evaluation of the children is done by the responsible instructor in collaboration with the Development Manager in the team, which takes direct contact with swimmers and guardians.

2.) Pre T/U

Pre T / U is a preparing training course for the training and development teams in Oslo Idrettslag Svømming. The course is organized similarly to a training group, with its own coach (not an instructor), so that we ensure the best possible individual follow-up and progression. There will be emphasis on swimming as a form of training and competition.

There will be carried out ability tests continuously in the course and participants will during this period be informed by the coach regarding vacant spots in any training groups and competitive groups. Trainers will also be able to recommend a continuation of the course.

In Pre T/U there’s an emphasis on procedures and focus that will be needed in the training groups. This provides a taste both for athletes and parents regarding what one should expect in a training and competition group.

In view of the limited amount of room in both the training groups and competitive groups, the motivation and skill levels will be essential criteria for what is being offered during/after the course.

Registration for Pre T/U is done via a waiting list, so that new swimmers get offered a place as soon as they become vacant during the season. 
Registration for the waiting list is done here:

The waiting list contains information about training times and prices for the Pre T/U offer.

For questions about Pre T/U, feel free to contact us by phone 97573793 (press 2), or via email.