Swimming courses are incredibly important in a country like Norway, where most live close to the sea, lakes or rivers. Learning how to swim is important so people can feel safe in these environments and even get joy from them. The earlier one starts practicing swimming, the easier it is to master, while you will face less dangerous situations near water.
The Norwegian swimming federation has estimated that it takes you approximately 50 hours to be considered a sufficient swimmer. By sufficient swimmer they mean:
You should be able to fall into deep water, swim 100 meter on your belly and dive down to retrieve an item with your hands. Then you need to be able to rest while floating (both on your belly and back for 3 minutes collectively), and finish with 100 meters backstroke before returning to land.
These benchmarks are also the goals for 4th grade swimming in school, meaning this is a requirement for all 10 year olds. It’s been reported that only about half of all 10 year old children are actually capable of completing these benchmarks. We wish to do something about this, and are therefore collaborating with multiple schools to achieve this.
Swimming courses at OI
Here at OI we prioritize play and a sense of accomplishment to assure a positive development in the water. We have skilled instructors who do their best every day to give you and your children the best experiences in our pools. We believe it’s important that children and adults learn the necessary skills in a safe environment and under the best conditions. We also focus on offering this to everyone, regardless of age and needs. With us you will always find an offer that works for you, your family or children
We offer everything from babyswimming, starting at 10 weeks of age, to adult courses for any age. In all agegroups we offer everything from a beginner level to training for the experienced swimmers, all following the guidelines provided by the Norwegian swimming federation. We wish to provide you with an experience that will give enough joy to consider joining one of our training groups, pursuing a future of competing and training to become a great swimmer. We also offer Synchronized swimming, minipolo, “vill i vann” and triathlon for those who wish to try out other water related activities.
Why try out swimming courses with us?
- We keep focused on quality in our courses, with efficient classes and learning through play
- Our instructors are both experienced and talented, doing the best they can for you and your children.
- We offer courses for everyone, from babies to adults, kindergardens to schools, handicapped and others with special needs.
- We follow the guidelines provided by the Norwegian swimming federation, developed for the best progress for everyone.
- All our courses are continuous monthly courses. This means that you recieve an invoice every month and you can freely move up through the courses as you progress. You choose when you want to sign out of courses so you get exactly what you want.