Groups for the 2021 season

Tri Rekrutt (10 to 14 years)

The Tri Rekrutt group  is for those who want to train and compete in triathlon. We focus on technique and skills in the different sports within triathlon. 

There are up to 5 hours of training each week together with the coach and team. Three hours swimming, one hour cycling, one hour running running, and 30 minutes land training.

To be a member of this group one must be able to swim at least 200 meters without stopping.

Tri Ung (15 to 22 years)

 The Tri Ung group is for those who want to compete in triathlons. We practice technique and fast swimming. The athletes compete in age-based competitions with the goal to do the best they can.

There are 6.5 to 10 hours of training every week with the coach and team. Four to five sessions of swimming, 1.5 hours cycling, and one hour of running. Some individual or small group trainings may be added based on individual athletic needs.

To be a member of this group one must be able to swim for at least 400m without stopping.

Tri voksen  (23+ years)

The Tri Voksen group is for those who want to compete in triathlons to win or for fun. We practice technique and fast swimming.

There are 5 to 6 hours of training every week with the coach and team. Three or four hours swimming, 45 minutes biking, and one hour of running.

To be a member this group one must be able to swim for at least 300m without stopping.

Tri Elite (qualifications)

The Tri Elite group is for those athletes that wish to train and compete at a high level. Contact us to learn more about the group qualifications and our training offers. 

For questions and sign-up information, send us an Email at